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Python Ping Pong Game

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Lighting of a marriage garden

Aim: To design a basic lighting system for a standard marriage garden. Software: Autodesk Revit 2019 Plan of the Garden: Entrance: Stage: Food Area: 3D View of Stage:

The Projectile Motion

GRAVITY This is a projectile motion simulator. It takes velocity and angle as input and gives an animated projectile motion with time of flight and range Time of flight: seconds Max height: meters Select option: Velocity(m/s): Angle: degrees Action

Kaprekar's Constant Verification

Kaprekar's Constant Kaprekar's Constant (6174) is a constant when a four digit number is taken and its digits are arraged in assending and desending order and then are subtracted. One Condition: Atleast one digit should be different. Enter a Four Digit Number: Enter

GSM message sending system

Aim: To send a message using gsm module from microcontroller to phone. Code: #define F_CPU 8000000UL #define BAUD RATE 9600 #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> void lcd_cmd(char value); void lcd_data(char value); void lcd_string(char *str); void lcd_num(unsigned int number); void usart_init(); void usart_transmit(char x); char usart_recieve(); int j=0; void initialize() { lcd_cmd(0x01); //clear LCD lcd_cmd(0x02);    //home position lcd_cmd(0x06);    //L-R //lcd_cmd(0x04); lcd_cmd(0x28); //4 bit mode lcd_cmd(0x0C);    //character generation } void lcd_cmd(char value) { int un,ln; // pc7-pc4 = un ; pc3-pc4 =ln un=value&0xF0; // & is anding function PORTC=0x04|un; _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x00|un; _delay_ms(2); ln=(value<<4)&0xF0; //<<=left shif by 4 bits _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x04|ln; _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x00|ln; } void lcd_data(char value) { ...

RFID based attendance system

Aim: To take attendance using passive RFID tags. Code: #define F_CPU 8000000UL #define BAUD RATE 9600 #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> void initialize(); void lcd_cmd(char value); void lcd_data(char value); void lcd_string(char *str); void lcd_num(unsigned int number); void usart_init(); void usart_transmit(char x); char usart_recieve(); void initialize() { lcd_cmd(0x01); //clear LCD lcd_cmd(0x02);    //home position lcd_cmd(0x06);    //L-R //lcd_cmd(0x04); lcd_cmd(0x28); //4 bit mode lcd_cmd(0x0C);    //character generation } void lcd_cmd(char value) { int un,ln; // pc7-pc4 = un ; pc3-pc4 =ln un=value&0xF0; // & is anding function PORTC=0x04|un; _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x00|un; _delay_ms(2); ln=(value<<4)&0xF0; //<<=left shif by 4 bits _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x04|ln; _delay_ms(2); PORTC=0x00|ln; } void lcd_data(char value) { int...

Bluetooth Bot

Aim: To control a bot using Bluetooth. Code: #define F_CPU 8000000UL #define BAUD RATE 9600 #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> void usart_init(); void usart_transmit(char x); char usart_recieve(); void usart_init(){ UBRRH=0; UBRRL=51; // or 0x33 UCSRB=0x18; UCSRC=0x86; } void usart_transmit(char x){ while((UCSRA&0x20)==0); UDR=x; //data gets stored in UDR } char usart_recieve(){ while((UCSRA&0x80)==0);//Till it gets overflow return UDR; } int main() { DDRC=0xFF; PORTC=0xff; _delay_ms(1000); PORTC=0x00; usart_init(); _delay_ms(2); char a[10]; int i=0; while(1) { if(usart_recieve()=='b'){ if(usart_recieve()=='a'){ if(usart_recieve()=='c'){ if(usart_recieve()=='k'){ if(usart_recieve()=='$'){ PORTC=0b00000101; _delay_ms(100); }}}}} if(usart_recieve()=='r'){ if(usart_recieve()=='i'){ if(usart_recieve()=='g'){ if(usart_recieve()=='h'){ if(usart_recieve()=='t'){ if...